
Sunday, September 15, 2013

(Social commentary?) That late post about 9/11!

Well, look. A non kpop post, just because. 

9/11 happened in America about 12 years ago, and I mean, I get that it was a huge thing and all, but people seem to drag it out a lot more than they need to. I don't know, maybe it's because I was younger when it happened and didn't get it or I never really cared.  

Think I'm crazy for basically not caring?  I never asked you to read this post.  You can go away if you want now. 

The 9/11 incident has changed the way security is in America, especially at airports. Things are much much stricter now and everything is watched closely.... Creepily close.  People were afraid to fly for a while in fear of it happening again, which makes sense. Nowadays things seem safe and shit will happen, but there are people who think that things can just happen at any time because of one thing. 

Okay, forget airports, I never step foot in one unless I have to. A bigger thing is the prejudice that Muslim people in the States have to put up with now. I'm not ping to lie, Americans have a tendency to be, I don't know, racist as fuck?  They can say they're not and tell the story of the Civil War and the rights movements as many times as they feel arsed to, but we all know that the thinking process of people doesn't change just like that.  We are all borderline prejudiced at time whether we realize it or not, and for some people one thing can break the thin wall they've built around the prejudice in an effort to keep it locked in. 9/11 seems like a vivid memory to most people who can remember it, so it's predictable that prejudice would become present. Personally, I never realized how crazy these people could get until a couple years ago in social studies when we read this article about some people complaining about a Muslim temple being built near ground zero. Just because. It seemed unfair to these Muslims because these whites saw their temple as an insult to the 9/11 GZ. Just because they're Muslim, so they must've been involved with the whole WTC thing and they're totally out to laugh at us in their temple right??  Probably not. No one is really legitly doing anything to change how these Muslims are looked at ad it's probably very difficult for some of them to live on here without some idiot constantly harassing them about the incident or saying they were involved. 

Lastly, we have the guilt trip card. The constant "where were you on 9/11" or "what do you remember/what were you doing?" Questions thrown around nonstop. That or the need for moments of silence several times per day, and the recapping of the incident/rehashingof the   footage on television. Is there a need to rub it in over and over again?  The nation was affected by it, yes, and our nation isn't used to shit going down like that, but to get over something you need to let it go first.  Watching them towers fall for the 48483838th time ain't helping honey. The best part about this is that terrible things (not to this degree necessarily) happen all around the world every day. Do we ever talk about that?  Sure, it's brought up in social studies class, but no one really retains half the things they learn in such an irrelevant course, and they don't feel the need to/have no motivation to learn about people in other countries. Anyway, point is in America no1curr about anything going on anywhere except in their country (unless it's war like with Syria. Yay.), which makes them insensitive fucks. 

Okay, enough ranting. Didn't you get enough already?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I love you... Not.

Oh, the things people say. I think this girl is a true judge of intelligence and will make it big in life... Oh who am I kidding, she should go back to her Oreos and being a kill-me or whatever the fuck that little club is called. 

Song of the day (or time period for now)

So I have songs I listen to a lot (not on repeat all day because that's boring) but I guess this week it's Purple Line (Puu-puhr la-een) from DB5K. That's all really. Space filling ftw

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hey, what are you?

"Blackjack, VIP, YG FOR LIFE!"



Well, good for you.  I'm an I-don't-give-a-fuck.